Friday, July 3, 2015

July 3 - Blogging GC'15

A statement of dissent, and a cordial response 

A minority report has been filed by 18 bishops in the House of Bishops. It expresses dissent from the actions taken to make fully shared marriage rites available (A054) and to change the marriage canon to do that (A036). However, it also expresses the intention of the endorsers to remain loyal to The Episcopal Church.

Bishops' "Minority Report" on changes to the marriage canon (I.18)

In response, the House of Bishops affirmed the relationships among bishops who disagree on these matters.

"Mind of the House" response to that Minority Report

Here is a link to ENS stories on what has been happening at GC'15:

Episcopal News Service stories on the 78th General Convention

We are nearly done, after what is likely to be a long day today. Please continue to send up your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. What do i stand for in this world without my lover by my side?, This was the taught that was running through my mind when my lover departed from me. You know one thing i believe in is that once you are having problems that are bringing you down God always use people to raise you up. In my case it was Dr.Zadson that was used in helping me get my lover back, Since the help of Dr.Zadson i must say that my relationship has been filled with more love and as a matter of fact my lover never does a thing without me. So you see this is the more reason why i must thank Dr.Zadson and the more reason why i must put his details on this site to enable other people contact him via email
